Maternity Network
Our Division has identified maternity patients, as well as new moms and babies, as a priority population, particularly with the efforts our A GP for Me family doctor-patient matching program. Each year, approximately 600 Langley babies are born without a family doctor to oversee their health care. As there are lifelong benefits to babies receiving regular medical care during the first 18 months, we are actively working towards ensuring that every Langley infant (and new mother) is attached to a family doctor as soon after birth as possible. As an optional addition to your practice you can join the Maternity Network.
The Langley Maternity Clinic
Provides a primary, prenatal care clinic for low risk births in a family friendly setting.
The LMC provides primary maternity care—we like to meet you as early as possible in your pregnancy. When you come to the LMC, you are not assigned to a particular doctor, but rather have the opportunity to meet several physicians over the course of your pregnancy. Your prenatal information is shared with the entire team to ensure seamless, comprehensive care.
After your last visit at the LMC one-week postpartum, all of your maternity records will be sent to your family physician. If you do not have one, we will work with the LDFP to find you one.