Community: Langley, BC Name: Langley Memorial Hospital – Emergency Room Physician Address: 22051 Fraser Highway, Langley BC V3A 4H4 Physician contact details: Dr. Judy Higginson ( or Dr. Willem DeVynck ( Full or Part Time Compensation Type: Fee-for-Service / Estimated Remuneration $350,000+ Physician Parking Available (free or pay): Will Consider Partial or Part-time coverage (y/n): Y
The LMH ED is actively seeking four ER physicians to join our group of 14 doctors. We treat 45,000+ patients each year. Langley is the fastest growing community in BC and we expect the numbers to increase to 65,000 in the next 10 years. A new ED is being planned and should open in 2020. Langley is a beautiful city located 45 minutes drive from Vancouver. We work in a full service 200-bed hospital with ICU, internal medicine, general surgery, orthopedics, urology, pediatrics, obstetrics, ENT, ophthalmology and psychiatry. We have a CT scanner and full laboratory services. Our nursing support is excellent and the group very collegial. Remuneration is via fee for service and should be in excess of $350,000 for a 14-shift month. Candidates are required to be CCFP(EM), FRCP or ABEM certified. For further information contact or Qualifications and Experience Required: Current College of Physicians of BC (CPSBC) License (Full), Canadian College of Family Practitioners (CCFP) To find out how to join our team, please contact our Membership Lead, Simone Sharma at or call 604 -510-5081.